快捷搜索:  as  鹌鹑  xxx  养狗  小龙虾  水蛭  锟斤拷锟饺碉拷  锟斤拷锟斤拷

Today’s egg prices

Today’s egg prices

Today’s egg prices

Increased a whole dollar overnight. ?? Also, this is my first post on here, so please be kind with translation. 今天的鸡蛋价格”** (Jīntiān de jīdàn jiàgé) 一夜之间涨了一整美元。” (Yī yè zhī jiān zhǎng le yī zhěng měi yuán.) 另外,这是我在这里的第一次发帖,所以翻译时请友善一点。”** (Lìngwài, zhè shì wǒ zài zhèlǐ de dì yī cì fā tiě, suǒyǐ fānyì shí qǐng yǒushàn yīdiǎn.)
