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洛杉矶鸡蛋当前价格 Current price of eggs

洛杉矶鸡蛋当前价格 Current price of eggs

洛杉矶鸡蛋当前价格 Current price of eggs

7.99 美元一打。7.99/12 = 0.67 美元一枚鸡蛋 原因各不相同,但即使在禽流感爆发之前,鸡蛋的价格也接近 0.75 美元一枚。去年我曾经能花 4 美元买到一打 ? 7.99 USD per dozen. 7.99/12 = 0.67 USD per egg There are varying reasons but even before bird flu, the eggs were approaching 0.75 USD per egg. I used to be able to buy a dozen for 4 USD last year ? #美国 #洛杉矶 #鸡蛋 #蛋价
