亲爱的美国朋友,随着中国农历春节的临近,我们今日特地宰杀了一头精心喂养的土猪,以迎接这充满喜庆的节日。这头猪膘肥体壮,重达260斤,其肉质鲜美,香气扑鼻。为了这头猪,我们需支付人民币3200元,折合约437美元。不知在美国,如此品质上乘的土猪,其价格又是如何呢?对对账吧!(Dear American friend, as the Chinese Lunar New Year is approaching, we specially slaughtered a free-range pig that was carefully fed today to welcome this festive occasion. This pig is plump and robust, weighing 260 pounds, with delicious and fragrant meat. We had to pay 3200 yuan for it, which is approximately 437 US dollars. I wonder what the price would be for such a high-quality free-range pig in the United States? Let's do the accounting!)