快捷搜索:  as  鹌鹑  xxx  养狗  小龙虾  水蛭  锟斤拷锟饺碉拷  锟斤拷锟斤拷

美国鸡蛋太贵了 请你们给我发些鸡蛋好吗

美国鸡蛋太贵了 请你们给我发些鸡蛋好吗

美国鸡蛋太贵了 请你们给我发些鸡蛋好吗

美国鸡蛋太贵了 请你们给我发些鸡蛋好吗

我在中国的朋友们,你们知道现在在美国鸡蛋就像黄金一样贵吗?因为禽流感,我们杀掉了超过一半的鸡,所以现在鸡蛋几乎在所有地方都卖光了。如果能找到,价格每个鸡蛋可能超过1美元。我怎么吃我的蒸蛋呢?或者蛋花汤呢?那我最喜欢的糕点怎么办?请把鸡蛋放到阿里巴巴上,这样我就可以订购了。 My friends in China, did you know eggs are like gold in America now? We killed more than half our chickens because of the bird flu, so now eggs are sold out everywhere. If you can find them, they can be more than $1USD for each egg. How will I eat my steamed eggs? Or egg soup? Or what about all my favorite bakery items? Please put eggs on Alibaba so I can order them. #tiktok #american #tiktokban #fyp #tiktokrefugee #america #tiktok_refugee #americanlife #tiktokban2025
